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The Bible has much to say about how we view money, possessions and giving. I would like to focus on the last category: giving. The Bible not only commands us to give but also dictates the manner in which we give.

The sword is the final piece to the armor of God that Paul, in Ephesians, instructs us to take up. Although the sword can be used defensively in combat, it is the only offensive weapon given in the list. Paul says, “and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God”. Notice that we must take the sword. Merely recognizing

When you were saved, you heard the gospel call, He regenerated you, and you responded in faith and repentance. At some point between regeneration and response you became desperate, you knew you were a sinner and had nothing to offer a perfect God. You had an urgent need to be saved. You became poor in spirit (a result of His work in you) and our gracious God saved you.

God despises worship given to anyone except Himself. He cannot stand it. Yet our children, like us, default to false worship. In an effort to promote true worship, let’s consider the flip-side. What does it take to raise idolaters?

Of Satan’s many descriptions, one of the most chilling is “the accuser of our brothers.” Revelation 12:8 tells of a coming day that he will be thrown down from heaven, forced to stop his day-and-night accusations. John clearly states that Satan does his accusing “before our God.” Assuming this day is still future, the biblical reality seems to be that Satan is currently, actively bringing accusations against Christians to God. Much like with Job, Satan loves to cast doubt and

In our weekly men’s Bible study (Tuesdays, 6 am @ 2401 Ave. 396, Kingsburg), we have been examining the content and implications of Paul’s letter to the Ephesian church. In the opening lines of the letter, Paul comes again and again to a powerful gospel theme for our daily lives in Christ. From God’s sovereign election in eternity past, to His regenerating work when we repent and believe, to His daily provision for our walk in faith and ultimately

We often find it uncomfortable to talk about sin, particularly our own. Our flesh steers us to talk about other people’s sin but avoid scriptural applications that divulge or convict us of our own sin. It is essential that we have an awareness and understanding of our own sin and the sinful nature of the world in order to fully appreciate what God has done. Below are four reasons to be embrace the doctrine of sin.

It takes no effort as a parent to teach children to worship. Children are born worshippers. It takes a great deal of grace effort, however, to raise children to be worshippers of the one true God. John Calvin is credited with saying, “The human heart is a factory of idols…Everyone of us is, from his mother’s womb, expert in inventing idols.” God’s opposition to idolatry is not His dislike of statues and images, but His holy jealousy for worship to

What do I do when a loved one rejects the gospel? More specifically, when a loved one passes away apart from Christ, do I bend the truth? Compromise is easy, particularly in cliché phrases: “at least he or she is not suffering any more” or “may he or she rest in peace.” In reality, nothing is further from the truth.

God gifts pastors to His church to equip the Body for the work of the ministry. Our pastoral team has sensed the need for more full-time equippers for several years now, pursuing additional help formally and informally. Jeremy McMorris has been part of that discussion for close to a year, but most intensively in the