What is Biblical Counseling?

Biblical counseling is the people of God using the Word of God to disciple others toward Christlikeness through the power of the Holy Spirit. Every believer needs the body of Christ for discipleship and relationship. With God's sufficient Word, biblical counselors offer intensive biblical discipleship for any issue: mental, spiritual, or relational. No problem is too big or too difficult for God's Word to be applied in God's transforming grace.

Our Mission:

Grace Church of the Valley Biblical Counseling exists to glorify God through personal accountability discipleship by speaking the truth in love to direct and restore people to a right fellowship with God and others (Eph 3:20–4:16; Acts 20:20; 1 Thess 5:14; Gal 6:1–2; Rom 15:14; Col 3:12–16).

Our Values:
  1. The Gospel: We believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ as the ultimate hope for change and abundant, eternal life. We trust in the sovereignty of the Father, the saving work of the Son, and the sanctifying work of the Spirit to bring about genuine heart change (Rom 6:4).
  2. The Bible: We hold God’s Word to be inspired, inerrant, authoritative, and sufficient for all issues of life and counseling. It is our final, sole authority, and we reject the extrabiblical systems and methodologies of the world (2 Tim 3:15–17).
  3. The Church: We believe the church is the primary context for counseling and spiritual growth. We counsel under the authority of our elders and point people back to the life of the church body. We are accountable to our elders and the local church (Eph 4:11–16).
Our Characteristics:
  1. Exposition: We counsel from the Bible according to an accurate interpretation of the words, grammar, context, and order that God has presented to us. We utilize other resources only as they agree with the Bible (Rom 15:4).
  2. Compassion: We practice the one-anothers with counselees such that they are properly, biblically cared for as image-bearers possessing both body and soul (Col 3:12–13).
  3. Discretion: We maintain confidentiality for our counselees within biblical, legal, and ethical limitations as outlined in the Grace Church of the Valley consent form (Prov 11:13).
  4. Qualification: We adhere to high standards of training, personal conduct, purity, integrity, and morality such that we are qualified to counsel and have removed any cause for stumbling (Rom 15:14).

Need Counseling?

Biblical Counseling is primarily offered for members and regular attenders of Grace Church of the Valley. If you are not a member or attender of Grace Church of the Valley, please email our counseling administrator for more information on counseling opportunities. If you are a member or regular attender of Grace Church of the Valley, or if you have been instructed to create an account in our counseling system by a staff member, request counseling by clicking below and following the instructions at the bottom of this page. 

Click Here to Request Counseling (For Members, Attenders, or After Emailing Us)

Interested in Training?

Central Valley Biblical Counseling is the training ministry of Grace Church of the Valley. As a training center with the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors, we desire to partner with local churches in the Central Valley to certify biblical counselors and support biblical counseling and discipleship ministries.

We are preparing various levels of training for every Christian, no matter their ministry, to learn how to care for the people around them and shepherd them toward Christlikeness. If you have ever felt unsure of how to help someone navigate life's difficulties, we can help you help them!

Visit Biblicalcounselingtraining.com for More Information and to Sign Up for Our Email List

Accountability Software

Grace Church of the Valley has partnered with Accountable2You to offer discounted access to their internet monitoring software and platform. Click here to sign up and install!