Our equipping classes are an essential element in helping us fulfill our mission statement. They provide training for our church family to be more competent, committed, and contagious disciples of Jesus Christ as we know God, apply his truth, and help others.
First Quarter • January 19–April 13
Teacher: Scott Bucher
Location: Warehouse, Room 140
This class will work through the book of James with an emphasis on proper interpretation and application. The goal is to deepen your understanding of the Bible while motivating you to love, worship, and imitate Christ more.
Creation: Facts & Faith
Teachers: Brendan Tomassian & Darin Peterson
Location: Warehouse, Room 139
Creation is a foundational issue of our biblical worldview. Consequently, it has been the subject of some of the greatest assaults of the secular age. This class will examine key topics related to creation, science, and the Bible to help you see that facts and faith are not contradictory, but complementary. Scientific presentations will be undergirded by biblical exposition, equipping you to faithfully address these things as you interact with the culture around us.
Understanding Salvation
Teachers: Andy Woodfield
Location: Warehouse Gym
The Bible is a book about salvation. The issue of a person’s future security, and eternal destiny, is of utmost importance. This class will unpack how the Scriptures answer the question “what must I do to be saved?” (Acts 16:30). We will see the grand theme of God’s gracious redemption and discover God’s immeasurable grace in seeking and saving lost and fallen creatures.
Baptism Class • Jan 19 & 26
Teachers: Ken Harvey
Location: Generations Building, Room 203
If you have trusted in Christ as your Lord and Savior and haven’t been baptized yet, join us for our Baptism Class. This two-week class is designed to help answer any questions you have about baptism as well as prepare you for baptism Sunday.
Membership Class • Feb 2–Mar 2
Teachers: Ken Harvey
Location: Generations Building, Room 203
If you have been attending Grace Church but have not become a member, we invite you to join us for the five-week Membership Class beginning February 2. This class will walk through what Grace Church is all about, why we value membership, and how you can join the church. Coming to this class doesn’t commit you to becoming a member, but we’d love for you to move beyond attendance and toward fully committed participation in our church life.
Spanish-Speakers - Servicio de Adoración en español
¿Cuando?: Todos los domingos a las 8:15 am
¿Dónde?: Edificio Generaciones, en la Capilla
Este trimestre, continuaremos nuestra exposición del evangelio de Marcos. Acompáñanos para un tiempo de comunión, cantos, y la predicación de la Palabra. Nos reunimos todos los domingos a las 8:15 am en la Capilla.
High School - Joining Creation Class
High-school students will be invited to come to the Creation class this quarter. Since Creation is a foundational issue of our biblical worldview and has consequentially been the subject of some of the greatest assaults of the secular age beginning in schools, this is an important issue for our high-school students. Come to examine key topics related to creation, science, and the Bible to help you see that facts and faith are not contradictory, but complementary. Scientific presentations will be undergirded by biblical exposition, equipping you to faithfully address these things as you interact with the culture around us.
Junior High
Teachers: Spencer Long
Location: Warehouse, Junior-High Room
The Biblical Narrative reaches its pinnacle as Jesus Christ comes dies and resurrects in order to satisfy the demands of God for sin. Many know that salvation takes place through the works of Jesus Christ but do we know what actually takes place as one is being brought from death to life? This quarter the junior-high students are going to be studying Soteriology, seeing the purpose and plan of salvation and all that takes place in order for a person to be saved.
Children's Classes: Click Here
Equipping Class Calendar
Have questions? Contact:
Jack Barley