Abortion Resistance
The need to protect unborn life has never been greater. As a church committed to the reality that God creates all life (Genesis 1:1–25), that human life is in his image (Genesis 1:27), and that the gospel is our ultimate solution (1 Peter 1:3), our church feels the urgency to act. Here are some practical ways you can get involved in abortion resistance.
- Pray that God opens the eyes and hearts of the people at Planned Parenthood to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
- Pray that God ends the daily murder of the unborn in our country.
- Pray for the many mothers and fathers who are making decisions on the future of their pregnancies.
- Pray for opportunities, boldness, and clarity of speech for the the servants that are engaged with these mothers, fathers, and the employees of Planned Parenthood.
Interested in engaging in abortion resistance? Contact the church office to find out ways you can get more involved.
Pregnancy Care
As a church committed to the reality that God creates all life (Genesis 1:1–25), that all life is in his image (Genesis 1:27), and that the gospel is our ultimate solution (1 Peter 1:3), our church feels the urgency to act. Our Pregnancy Care ministry comes alongside the organizations that care about pregnancy to take action by pointing each person who walks through the doors to Christ while walking with them through the process of pregnancy.
- Pray that God opens the eyes and softens the hearts of the people our servants engage with to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
- Pray for the many mothers and fathers that engage with the advocates to choose life.
- Pray that the advocates get opportunities to speak the gospel message with clarity and conviction.
- Pray for the advocates and employees of Pregnancy Care Center & Care Pregnancy.
Interested in engaging as an advocate? Have a heart that wants to encourage the fainthearted? Serve with us.
Location: Care Pregnancy Center (Visalia) or Pregnancy Care Center (Fresno)
Expectation: Three shifts, two to four hours each, per month.
Contact: Layne and Karee Logan
Foster Care & Adoption
Adoption ought to be near and dear to our hearts because it is near and dear to the heart of God. Of all the analogies he could have used, he chose adoption to describe how we go from being “sons of disobedience” (Ephesians 2:1–3) to “children of God” (John 1:12).
Foster care should be equally as dear to our hearts as a family seeks to provide protection, direction, and affection to those that have been removed from their homes because of an unfit living environment while their birth family works towards reunification.
Both adoption and foster care present unique joys and particular difficulties and our Grace for the Innocent ministry desires to connect families who want to be involved with local and global adoption agencies as well as local foster care agencies. For those who are already engaged, we desire to create a network of families that can support and encourage each other.
- Pray for those that are in the adoption process to trust in the Lord’s sovereign timing.
- Pray for the children locally and globally that are in foster homes.
- Pray for the families that will be adding these children to their families, that they bring these children up “in the discipline and instruction of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4).
- Pray for the many families who have foster children or have adopted, that they seek the Lord as they parent and that they can grow to be made more like Christ through the challenges of raising children.
If you are looking to connect with a community of people who are raising children up in foster care or adoption or are interested in foster care & adoption but need financial assistance, contact the church.