Cramers Eric Hurleys Ortegas Seehusens Stepanians Local Outreach
Grace Church is committed to bringing glory to God through the transformation of lives by the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Therefore, Grace Church must be active in and supportive of the global mission of our Lord Jesus Christ (Matt. 28:19, 20).
Global Missions
Theology: What does the Bible say to us about our global mission?
Grace Church is committed to the God-ordained and Christ-centered plan for the salvation of people from all peoples through the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ by spokesmen sent for that end (Rom. 10:14–17). Therefore, Grace Church must be active in and supportive of those who are pursuing God’s purpose of spreading the supremacy of Jesus Christ to all peoples.
Philosophy: What must our commitments be because of theology?
Grace Church is committed to partnering with global kingdom missions through financial support of those who share our doctrinal and missional convictions.
Plan: How do we plan to live these commitments in our context?
Grace Church is committed to financially, relationally, and spiritually supporting global missionaries. To accomplish this task, Grace Church is further committed to supporting fewer missionaries with more support, as opposed to more missionaries with less support. Furthermore, Grace Church is eager to support mission work that globally assists our local/global mission to Latino communities.
Missionary Support Priority
- Those who pursue global missions from Grace Church
- Those who pursue global missions from churches/agencies with which Grace Church has a significant relationship (GMI/GCC/TMAI)
- Those who pursue global missions from other like-minded churches/agencies that are providentially connected to Grace Church
Mission Support Priority
- Church Planting—an active ministry of church planting with national pastors
- Church Pastoring—pastors of established international congregations
- Church Pastoral Training—international pastoral training institutes (TMAI)
- Short-Term Missions—Grace Church involvement with short-term missions
- Mercy Ministry—a Gospel-based and local-church-based involvement in mercy ministry
Local Missions
Theology: What does the Bible say to us about our local mission?
Grace Church is commanded to take the Gospel to every nation (Matt. 28:18–20), recognizing that the Gospel establishes a multiethnic and multicultural church (Acts 2; Col. 3:9–11; Eph. 2:11; Rev. 5:9, 10; 7:9) through speaking the Gospel to the nations as the means of evangelizing (Rom. 10:11–15; Eph 3:8–11).
Philosophy: What must our commitments be because of theology?
- preach the Gospel to our local community.
- disciple believers in the Gospel, including baptizing them and training them to observe all that God has commanded.
- agree and value the multiethnic/multicultural purpose of Christ’s church.
- embrace all ethnic, cultural, and socioeconomic classifications equally.
- pursue the diversity of the body in the unity of Christ, limiting segregation within our church family.
Plan: How do we plan to live these commitments in our context?
- pursue and establish bilingual servant leadership.
- communicate and call our membership to this local-mission vision.
- seek integrated ministry as ideal rather than dividing our church body into distinct entities (i.e., starting an autonomous Spanish-speaking church).
- see local assemblies planted in outlying communities within the valley.
- utilize ESL and SSL training as vehicles for evangelism.