GCV Blog

Grace Church of the Valley blog.

For the Kingdom citizen, equipping is not an event. Like ministry, it too is a lifestyle. Instead of being driven by information, the Kingdom citizen is driven by relationship. It is impossible to have a relationship with God or be equipped by Him, however, without information from Him. Because of our constant need for relationship and equipping, we’re pleased to launch another resource for our church.

“Faith and Practice” is the name of our new church blog. Found at www.faithandpractice.blogspot.com, “F & P” will provide articles, links, and resources intended directly for the good of Grace Church. There are some very bad reasons to do a blog, including “Everybody’s doing it,” “it’s super-cool,” and “we want you to spend as much time online as possible.” Good reasons, however, include our pastoral responsibility to present every man complete in Christ (Col. 1:28) and our corporate responsibility to stir each other up to love and good works (Heb. 10:24). Teaching, equipping, and edifying must not be limited to Sundays, but continue throughout the week. A blog is just one more outlet to speak into your life, allowing us to write in-depth articles, point you to helpful resources, or give immediate response to current happenings.

With God’s grace, our blog will be pastoral, intentional, and beneficial to those who read it throughout the week. Its name reflects our passion and direction for its use. “Faith and Practice” encompasses all areas of theology, from the systematic to the practical; and it also serves as a vivid reminder to all of us that true faith must lead to godly practice. Comments are welcome, and our prayer is that this resource will serve Christ’s plans to equip you and ground you in the truth so that you can do the work of the ministry.