Featured Ministry
Pleasant Valley State Prison in Coalinga
by Don Klassen
Ministry Details
Currently we have a total of five volunteers from our church who are active volunteers. Peter Thomas, Ben Friesen, Mark Edwards, Mary Ann, and I have all ministered at the prison over the past several months. We minister on two separate yards (prison facilities) at the prison. On Delta yard we lead services every other Friday night. On Alpha yard we lead a study on the third and fourth Sunday of each month. On both yards we enter in groups of two or three volunteers and minister to 30-80 inmates. The setting on each yard is different. On Delta yard we have one hour for a church service with 20 minutes of music and 40 minutes of preaching followed by an hour of fellowship and prayer. On Alpha yard we lead a two-hour Bible study. We are studying and teaching through the book of Mark on both yards. This ministry is much more than just a teaching ministry. It is one of encouragement and visitation. These brothers in Christ are so blessed by those who come to see them and spend time with them. Many are completely cut off from their families, some as a result of surrendering their life to Christ.
Ways to pray for the Ministry
It has been several years since Alpha yard has had regular services, so we are excited to have them restart. This is due to the fact that it is a level 4 maximum security yard that allows volunteers only during the daytime.
Volunteers are stepping forward, attending the training at the prison and receiving gate clearance.
False teachers and cults are always very active on each yard. Pray that the Gospel that we proclaim would build up the body. “Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth” (John 17:17).
We are waiting to receive gate clearance from the prison for several people who have gone through the training. Also, pray that more would join us. The final training for 2012 will be March 17 at 9 am at the facility. For more info, call Don Klassen (318-0119).