Worship Service at 10:00 am!  ∙  In person -> CLICK HERE  ∙  Service Live-streaming -> CLICK HERE 

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Eric and Heather were married in 2001 with a shared desire to spend their lives making Jesus Christ known by training leaders for the church among the least-reached. Since then God has prepared them through Eric’s study at The Master’s Seminary (M.Div., ‘03) and Dallas Theological Seminary (Ph.D., ‘13), nine years of pastoral ministry in Texas, and living and teaching in North India from 2013 to 2015.

Since 2015 Eric & Heather, along with their five children, have been in a major city on the Arabian Peninsula, where Eric teaches seminary classes and directs a center for equipping pastors and church planters from closed countries to plant healthy churches and spread the Gospel throughout the 10/40 Window. Eric & Heather are also active in church ministry, discipleship, and evangelism among the many nationalities living in their city.


  • Praise God for several brothers who have recently believed and been baptized from the country of Afghanistan. Praise God for the way his word is going forth among the least-reached.
  • Praise God for the privilege of teaching the Bible to students from many different countries! Praise God for the hunger he has put in the hearts of GTS students to know him through his word.
  • The Covid situation has been very challenging in our city. Pray for our church and our students to have good health and courage in going about the work of the ministry.
  • Pray for 10 students preparing to graduate from GTS this year. Pray they would finish strong in spring classes, serve well in church ministries, and be ready for what God has for them next.
  • Pray for Redeemer Church. That the government would continue to allow them to meet in their current location. That the gospel would continue to go forward with power. That the church would grow in unity and love. 
  • Pray for our seminary team to keep growing in unity with each other, in our love for our students, and our zeal for the glory of God as we serve in this ministry.