June 5 - News Update
June 5, 2020Sunday Worship Service | graceofthevalley.org/gather
Order of Service - June 7, 2020 at 8:30 am
'Tis So Sweet
Welcome & Announcements
Scripture Reading & Prayer
Grace Alone
He Will Hold Me Fast
Sermon by Scott Ardavanis
"The Cure for Anxiety in a Pandemic Age," Part 6
Matthew 6:33
Closing Song
All Glory Be to Christ
Online Information Card - let us know you were at either the worship service or livestream service by filling out our information card by clicking here.
Weekly Resources | graceofthevalley.org/news
Grace Church of the Valley is committed to gathering together in person on Sunday mornings as a church body. As a reminder, we will have one outdoor worship service at 8:30 am. There will be no nurseries or children’s programs available. For more information go to graceofthevalley.org/gather.
If for any reason (conscience, health, etc.) you are uncomfortable attending an in-person worship service, we encourage you to stay home and tune in to the livestream at 8:30 am at graceofthevalley.org/live, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, or Vimeo.
The seeds video lesson along with lesson resources for you to use at home will continue to be posted online on Fridays at graceofthevalley.org/seeds.
Membership Class | graceofthevalley.org/join
Our next membership class begins on Sunday, July 5. If you are interested in becoming a member at Grace Church of the Valley or would like to learn more about our church, make plans to join us on July 5! More details on the class time and location will be available in the coming weeks. To sign up, email info@graceofthevalley.org or sign up on the online information card by scanning the code on the previous page.
Baptism Class | graceofthevalley.org/join
Our next baptism class begins on Sunday, August 2. If you have not been baptized as a believer and would like to join the class, sign up by emailing info@graceofthevalley.org.
Women's Summer Book Studies | graceofthevalley.org/women
Women’s summer book studies are starting up! This is a chance for ladies to read a book with a small group and discuss and share what you are learning. Go to graceofthevalley.org/women for a list of book options and to sign up. If you have any questions, contact Kristin Harvey at kkharveyhome@gmail.com or (559) 639-9545.
Men's Equippers Resuming | graceofthevalley.org/men
Men’s Equippers will be resuming on Wednesday mornings at 6:00 am beginning June 3. The group will meet in the Generations Building. If you have any questions, contact Matt Thibault at matt@graceofthevalley.org.
Summerfest Postponed | graceofthevalley.org/summerfest-2020
Because of our desire to make Summerfest primarily about outreach as well as the practical challenges involved in planning during this uncertain time, we've decided to postpone Summerfest until later this year, most likely in the fall. We haven't chosen a new date, but we'll be sure to announce our new dates with plenty of warning so you can invite, sign up to serve, and plan to make this year's Summerfest the most valuable and useful ministry it can be.
Member Care
If you or a member you know has a practical need or prayer request, please be sure to communicate with david@graceofthevalley.org so our elders and deacons can care for you.
Offering | graceofthevalley.org/giving
We will not be passing offering bags during the service but there is an offering box in front of the Generations Building that you can put your gifts in. You can also continue to give online at graceofthevalley.org/giving or send gifts in the mail to: Grace Church of the Valley 1101 Marion Street, Kingsburg, CA 93631.