GCV Blog

Grace Church of the Valley blog.

I am not here this morning, and am missing the fellowship with you all! Sixteen of us are at the Resolved Conference in Palm Springs hearing ten sermons in three days...all focused on sin. It is appropriate to pray for and anticipate spiritual growth during this weekend, but it is also necessary to understand that sanctification (growth as Christians) is not an activity reserved for special Christian events. It is to be a daily Christian pattern accomplished according to Christ’s clear plan.

God has provided His Word as our daily source for growth in grace (Jn. 17:17), and our local church as the group in which He primarily works (Eph. 2:19-22). Conferences are great, but they are not God’s primary place or plan for spiritual growth in our lives as His children.

In fact, we are so convinced of the need for correct understanding on this issue of growth that we will spend our summer adult class (at 9:00 am) studying through a book called “How Can I Change?” by CJ Mahaney and Robin Boisvert. My prayer is that all who attend (hoping that is all of you!) will learn to think rightly about growth in Christ and pursue it more passionately because of this class.

So, I trust you will value your opportunity to be in the primary group for growth this morning, with the primary tool for growth in your lap, even as we miss you and look for bonus growth at Resolved. Grace and peace from the raging inferno that is Palm Springs!