Ministering on Mother’s Day
by Pastor David
“Peanut butter.” What comes into your mind when you hear those two words, “peanut butter”? Me, I think of how I like to eat Reese’s two at a time. Or maybe one of my favorite ice creams ever, Moose Tracks. Say those two words to Silas, however, and he’ll react much differently. He’ll say “yuck,” or make a spitting noise or, on a polite day, simply inform you that he’s allergic and can’t have any. In a much less trivial way, the two words “Mother’s Day” can also result in a variety of reactions. This Mother’s Day, let’s take time to consider how we can best minister to each other.
Mothers are well worth celebrating. The high calling, daily faithfulness, selfless sacrifice, and life-changing ministry of moms deserves so much more praise than our culture typically gives. Adam recognized the value of his wife by naming her “the mother of all living.” Jesus honored His own mom by arranging care for her, even as He bore the sins of the world on the cross. Paul praised Timothy’s mother and grandmother, who were responsible for Timothy’s own conversion and instruction in the Scriptures.
Many of Grace Church will spend Mother’s Day with thankful and joyful memories of their moms. Cards will be shared, calls made, love expressed. At the same time, however, some in our church will spend Mother’s Day in pain. Some will grieve the first, or what seems like another of so many, Mother’s Days without their moms. Some memories of mom might be stained and colored by broken relationships or sins never forgiven. And some will privately weep today because they can not be a mom or have lost one of their most precious treasures.
How can we minister to each other the best today? Let’s ask for grace to follow Paul’s command in Romans 12:15: “Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.” Sandwiched within an entire section showing us how we should relate to one another, this command drives at the heart of our empathy and selfless relationships. Let’s throw ourselves into joining the joy of others today. Let’s praise God along with them for mom, for cherished memories and sweet relationships. At the same time, let’s actively consider that there are those who weep. Let’s stop and enter their grief with them. Instead of living in our own world, whether it is marked by joy or grief, let’s selflessly consider the needs and circumstances of our brothers and sisters. When we do, we’re actively obeying Romans 12:1 to present our bodies as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable to God, which is our spiritual worship.